University of Virginia Library

ODE XVIII. To Faunus.

God of the Woods, who loves to chace
The Naïds, nimble as the Wind,
Along my Fields propitious pass,
And to my tender Flocks be kind;
Then every Year a wanton Kid,
With Bowls of Love-inspiring Wine,
Shall to your Sylvan God-head bleed,
Whilst fragrant Smoak perfumes the Shrine.
Soon as December cools the Plains,
My Cattle on soft Herbage browze;
Nor Toil nor Care fatigues the Swains;
The Bullocks from the Team are loose:
No rav'ning Wolves the Lambkins fright;
The Leaves lye scatter'd through the Wood;
The Rusticks in the Dance delight,
And beat the Ground they lately plow'd.