University of Virginia Library


Amorwe, so sone so it was day,
Gij him schred in fou & gray;
Wiþ him his felawes also,
To chirche þai gon euer to & to.
Wiþ þat þai ben to chirche y-come
Worþschiplich alle & some,
& þat maiden was also;
Gret joie hadde al her kin þo.
Þe erchebischop was comen also,
Redi þe spouseing for to do.
Þemperour seyd to Gij þere:
‘Mi douhter ich ȝiue þe here,
And þritti castels wiþ hir also,
Wiþ þe worþschip þat liþ þer-to,
And half mi lond ich ȝiue þe,
Bifor mi barouns þat here be.
Þou schalt ben emperour after me:
Biforn hem alle y graunt it þe.’
‘Alle,’ he seyd, ‘þat þou bedest me
Ichil afong,’ quaþ Gij, ‘wiþ hert fre.’
Þe erchebischop come forþ
Wiþ a ring, þat miche was worþ;
He tok it Gij, & he it gan afong,
& Gij bi-þouȝt him þan wel strong:
He biþouȝt þan in his wille
Þat Felice he schuld don vnskille;
He þouȝt him repent & wiþ-drawe,
Wheþer he miȝt hir lete oþer haue.
Leuer him þouȝt to han hir bodi on
Wiþ-outen siluer & gold & precious ston,
Þan alle oþer þat were o liue
Wiþ alle þe gode men miȝt him ȝiue.
Gij sett him adoun anon,
& seyd swiche iuel is comen him on,
Þat he no may of þe stede gon,
Him þenkeþ his hert brekeþ ato.


Gij fel aswoning in þat plas,
& aros vp sone after þas;
Gij seyd an heye to þemperour:
‘Sir, y þe pray paramour,
Þat þis fest deleyed be
Fort efsones, y bidde þe,
Þat ich am apassed þis hache,
& þat ich in gode hele be.’
Quaþ þemperour, ‘þat reweþ me,
Þis sposayl schal delayed be.’
Þennes hij gon alle y-fere,
Alle sone wiþ droupeand chere.
Þat maiden wepe & was sori,
For Gij no miȝt hir spousi,
For neuer more hij no wende
Wiþ loue com him hende;
No ioie ne may comen hir inne,
For hij no wende him neuer winne.
Sche wrong hir honden & wepe sore,
Sorwe made neuer wiman more;
Sche wrong hir fingres & tar hir here,
& curssed þe time þat moder hir ber,
& þe time þat hye biȝeten was;
Neuer woman wers nas.