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The Poems of Edward Taylor

Edited by Donald E. Standford ... With a foreword by Louis L. Martz

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25. Meditation Numb. 28.4.9. One Lamb shalt thou offer in the Morning, and the other at Even. And on the Sabbath day two Lambs etc.

6.1m [Mar.] 1698.
Guilty, my Lord, What can I more declare?
Thou knowst the Case, and Cases of my Soule.
A Box of tinder: Sparks that falling o're
Set all on fire, and worke me all in Shoals.
A Pouch of Passion is my Pericarde.
Sparks fly when ere my Flint and Steele strike hard.
I am a Dish of Dumps: yea ponderous dross,
Black blood all clotted, burdening my heart,
That Anger's anvill, and my bark bears moss.


My Spirits soakt are drunke with blackish Art.
If any Vertue stir, it is but feeble.
Th'Earth Magnet is, my heart's the trembling needle.
My Mannah breedeth Worms: Thoughts fly blow'd are.
My heart's the Temple of the God of Flies.
My Tongue's an Altar of forbidden Weare
Fansy a foolish fire enflam'd by toys
Perfum'de with reeching Offerings of Sins
Whose steaming reechs delight hobgoblings.
My Lord, is there no help for this with thee?
Must I abuse, and be abused thus?
There Morn, and Even Sacrifices bee:
To cleans the Sins of Day, and Night from us.
Christ is the Lamb: my Pray're each morn and night
As Incense offer I up in thy Sight.
My morn, and evening Sacrifice I bring
With Incense sweet upon mine Altar Christ,
With Oyle and Wine two quarters of an Hin
With flower for a Meat Offering all well spic'dt,
On bended knees, with hands that tempt the Skies.
This is each day's atoning Sacrifice.
And thou the Sabbath settledst at the first
And wilt continue it till last. Wherefore,
Who strike down Gospell Sabbaths are accurst.
Two Lambs, a Meat, and Drinke offering God more
Conferd on it than any other Day
As types the Gospell Sabbaths to display.
Here is Atonement made: and Spirituall Wine
Pourd out to God: and Sanctified Bread
From Heaven's givn us: What! shall we decline
With God Communion, thus to be fed?
This Heavenly fare will make true Grace to thrive.
Such as deny this thing are not alive.


I'le tend thy Sabbaths: at thine Altar feed.
And never make thy type a nullitie.
The Ceremonies cease, but yet the Creede
Contained therein, continues gospelly,
That make my feeble Spirits will grow frim.
Hence I in Sabbath Service love to swim.
My Vespers, and my Mattins Ile attend:
My Sabbath Service carry on I will.
Atoning Efficacy God doth send
To Sinners in this path, and grace here stills.
Still this on me untill I glory Gain.
And then Ile sing thy praise in better Strain.