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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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Who thus complains of her unnaturall son, personating a Jesuite, and who hath dispersed (under that guise) false calumnies against the whole Estates of Scotland, and so deserves that punishment set down in Scripture. Exod. 21. 7.

“That pasquiller that would me thus disgrace,
And with such spyte, spit in his mother's face,
God's curse attends him, threatned by his word;
O then I crave, that Justice scales and sword
May weigh and punish: may my native Prince
Try and revenge his guilt and his offence.
And now thou King of kings, inthron'd above,
By whom Kings raigne, by whom they live and move,
Inspire in my Prince' breast a sprite of peace,
And shoure on him thy favours and thy grace,
Command, Lord, thy Vice-gerent, tell him plain,
He should thy truth, and calme of peace maintain.


He cannot force belief, let him secure
Thy divine worship here, as true and pure.
Appease his wrath, let not my Lyon roare,
Nor dart his thunder on his native shore,
So we shall praise Thee, who for ever raignes,
And whose transcending power all powers restraines.”