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The Sheepheards resolution in loue.

The Sheepheards resolution in loue.

If Ioue him-selfe be subiect vnto Loue,
And range the vvoods to finde a mortall pray,
If Neptune from the Seas him-selfe remoue,
And seeke on sands with earthly wights to play:
Then may I loue my Sheepheardesse by right,
Who farre excells each other mortall wight?

If Pluto could by Loue be drawne from hell,
To veeld him-selfe a silly virgins thrall.
If Phœbus could vouchsafe on earth to dwell,
To winne a rustick Mayde vnto his call:
Then how much more should I adore the fight,
Of her in whom the heauens them-selues delight?
If Country Pan might follow Nimphs in chase,
And yet through loue remaine deuoide of blame,
If Satires were excus'd for seeking grace,
To ioy the fruites of any mortall Dame:
My Sheepheardesse, why should not I loue still
On whom nor Gods nor men can gaze their fill?
Tho. Watson.