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H. W.
Though you refuse to come or send,
Yet this I send, though I do stay,
Vnto these lynes some credit lend,
And marke it well what they shall say,
They cannot hurt, then reade them all,
They do but shew their maisters fall.
Though you disdaine to shew remorce,
You were the first and onely wight,
Whose fawning features did inforce
My will to runne beyond my might:
In femall face such force we see,
To captiue them, that erst were free.


Your onely word was then a law
Vnto my mynd, if I did sinne,
Forgiue this sinne, but then I saw
My bane or blisse did first beginne,
See what my fancy coulde haue donne,
Your loue at first, if I had wonne.
All fortune flat I had defyde,
To choice and change defyance sent,
No frowning fates could haue denyde,
My loues pursute, & willing bent,
This was my mynd, if I had found
Your loue as myne, but halfe so sound.
Then had I bad the hellish rout,
To frounce aloft their wrinckled front,
And cursed haggs that are so stout,
I boldly would haue bid auaunt,
Let earth and ayre haue fround their fill,
So I had wrought my wished will.
No raging storme, nor whirling blast,
My setled heart could haue annoyd,
No sky with thundering cloudes orecast
Had hurt, if you I had enioyd,
Now hope is past, loe you may see,
How euery toy tormenteth mee.

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