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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Tusch, no/the Wisdom of Man, is but a Tryfle, in effect/
How glistering holy, soeuer it doth appeere:
For, tis all before God,

Esa. 1.c.

but filthy stinking-geere,

If they in their Hearts, humble be not founde/
Nor shewe-foorth any Loue, wherin they shoulde abounde/


As to be long suffering, and vnreuengfull also:
For those that be contencious, breake the Peace wheare they got

1. Tim. 3.a. [illeg.] Pe[illeg.]. 2.a.

ye right Doctrine, that to ye Loues Worke, doth serue.

Disobedient, as those, that from Christs Church, fall and swarue[illeg.]
And in all their Dealings, are puft-vp in Ambition.
Also those that seeke themselues, in eury Condition/
Those that in their Gouernment, wil no body forbeare/
Nor suffer any but such, as them do please and feare.
Those that account the Humilitee, to be of no Estimashon
All These that take-in-hande, the Scripture after this fashon/
To them must [illeg.] seeme to be loueing, with a freendly Cheere[illeg.]
For to them are we acceptable, and esteemed-of ful-deers.
But yet (to begin-withall) I must first chaunge my Name/
Then can none bring me vnder, nor worke me any Shame.
But I shall deceaue them all ; in their Lyfe; without fayle.

How wilt thou name thyself?