University of Virginia Library


[Psalm] 148.

Sing laude unto the lorde
heauenis induelleris i say
to do the same accorde
in places hie & stay
& so alluaies
ye angellis all
great oistis & tall
iehoua praise
praise him both sunne & moone
& starres uith shyning licht
the same of you be done
ye heauenis of heauinis most bricht
sett furth his fame
ye uatteris euen
aboue this heauen
& praise his name
all ye quho by his uill
& uorde created bene
praise great iehoua still
quho dois you ay conteine
in stablisht rest
quhose iust decree
can no uayes be
by ocht transgrest.


praise him ilk liuing beast
that on the earth do go
thou deepe uith most & least
of fish & quhayles also
thou glancing lou
haill roundly rold
snou quheit & cold
his praise furth shou.
ye exhalationis uakk
uith stormie uindis & shill
quhom he doth euer mak
his uorde for to fullfill
ye cedres great
hudge hillis & knouis
fruct trees that grouis
praise goddis hie seat.
ye beastis & cattell tame
ilk foule & creping thing
ilk people or prince of name
ilk earthly iudge or king
ye uirginis eik
ye babis & old
uith young men bold
his praise furth speik.
for that his name alone
doth heauen & earth adorne
he is that only one
exaltis his peoples horne
thaire praise I meane
of israell
quhom he louis uell
praise god deuine.