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O invisible lives, that aimlessly
With mutable voices fare
Mysteriously and tamelessly
Through the altitudes of air,
When I welcome lofty dreams of you,
Amid hours of calms or storms,
I discern evanescent gleams of you
As divine phantasmal forms!
Where dim skies vaguely illuminate
Some remote unearthly reach,
You despond, rejoice or ruminate,
You are low or loud of speech.
With murmurs that rise altisonant,
Or with dreary moans, you meet;
With imperious uproars dissonant,
Or melodies wildly sweet!
Here grouped in superb frigidity,
The blasts of the North repose,
Proud spirits of stern intrepidity,
Whose wings with clangors unclose.


In their saturnine eyes crepuscular
Cold hatreds bitterly glow;
In the girth of their dark arms muscular
Lie shipwreck, ruin and woe!
Here crouch like implacable savages
Those gales of the East that bear,
With reckless calamitous ravages,
The weight of the world's despair.
Grim sisters, gloomily cowering,
They sing, in their cruel scorn,
Of ocean-waves vastly towering,
And trees by the roots uptorn!
Here, clothed in raiments ethereal,
The West winds roam and recline,
Diaphanous girls, with aerial
Embraces that intertwine.
Their shapes have the fragile slenderness
Of wheat, with its changeful lights,
And their eyes hold the mellow tenderness
Of moons amid harvest-nights!
But near them, in easy reach of them,
The winds of the warm South float,
Voluptuous beauties, with each of them
A wine-red rose at her throat!
The folds of their tresses are pillowing
Large blooms of delicious balms,
And they sing of the long seas billowing
On shores that are plumed with palms!


Thus, haughty in dread immobility,
Or lurid in arrogant might,
Exultant in soft volatility,
Or languid in drowsy delight,
Sublimely, serenely or dismally,
Weird throngs, you glimmer and go,
Where spaciously loom and abysmally
The realms that my visions know!