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CCCXLIII. Adventurers and Planters of the Virginia and Somers Islands Companies. Petition to the Privy Council concerning Unjust Accusations. May (after May 7), 1623

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CCCXLIII. Adventurers and Planters of the Virginia and Somers
Islands Companies. Petition to the Privy Council concerning
Unjust Accusations.
May (after May 7), 1623

Manchester Papers, No. 363
Document in Public Record Office, London
List of Records No. 488
To the right Hoble͠ the Lords of his &c.

The humble petition of sundry the adventurers & planters of the Virginea
& Sommer Ilands Companies

Showeth that whereas your Lordps vppon hearing the late complaintℯ &
differences of the Virginea & Sommer Ilands Companies at this Hoble͠
Board out of yor singuler wisdome, and in tender consideration to settle
peac in the said Companies fo the saftie and prosperitie of bothe the
plantations, amongst other p̱ticulers, did geue order & spetiall charge
that ech partie in our Cowrtℯ and meetingℯ, should demean them selues
in loueing & dewe respect, wthout spleen or provocation, eyther by wordes
or deeds one towards an other, vntill the Com̃issioners appointed by his
Matie should examyn the cawses & determyn thos differences & conten-
tions, as your petitioners did most humblie desire of his matie, according
to wch yor Lorps Command, yor Supptℯ haue in all dutifull respect obeyed,
but on the other side not so, of wch we hold it our duties in humble manner
to certifie yor Loips.


Sundrye meetingℯ we haue had of late, to wch both Companies after a
newe confused manner haue ben summoned to appear together, against
wch courtℯ and apparances, ther hath ben redy pennd (by some one mem-
ber minding to nourishe strife) not matter of plantation, nor howe to
proceed in that work, for wch we supposed our selues to be sum̃oned, but
matter of vniust accusation and contention, drawne into longe & tedious,
examinations, & declarations of charge and crime, somwhile against yor
Supptℯ in generall & somwhile most bitterlie agaynst some in p̱ticuler &
that of eminent sort & quallitie, all wch, so pennd haue ben openlie readd
in Court on Weddensday the xxxth of Aprill last & secondly in an other
courte. wth an addition of newe matter of like sort th on Wednesday the
§7 of this instant maie§ in the reading & debating wherof the time was
spent from 3 to 7 at clock in the eveninge, wch as yor Supptℯ suppose had
ben more proper to haue ben prepared (& forborn) to his Maties Com̃is-
sioners, wch then for that in this course §these thinges§ to be handled
they tend to no other purpose saue onlie to make the greevances the
greater & to settle such further discord & variancℯ in the minds of all, as
will make it more difficult if not Impossible to be reconciled
for remedy wherof §& that thes things & whatsoever ells they can aledg,
may be referrd to ye Comers§ may it please yor Lorips that these papers so
pennd & readd in Court, may be cawsed to be browght & presented to
yor Lorips Hoble͠ vewe and consideration, by Mr Nicholas Farrar Deputie,
the reader & publisher of the same, and that the Author & penner of all
thes p̱ticulers wch by the phrase & stile to appeareth to be all one mans
may be discovered, as one that mindeth rather still to mayntayn and
make worse thes contentions & striffℯ then to settle peace & vnitie.

[Addressed:] To the right woll͠ Sr Nathanyell Rich Knight