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DECEMBER, Ye 23: 1619
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DECEMBER, Ye 23: 1619


Ri Hono:  Lord Cauendish. 
Generall Cæcill. 
Sr Iohn: Dauers.  mr Iohn Ferrar Dept mr Wm: Cañinge. 
Sr Nath: Rich.  mr Dr Winstone.  mr Bull. 
Sr Io: Wolstenholme.  mr Ferrar Iunior.  mr Caswell. 
Sr Henry Iones.  mr Nicholas Leate.  mr Bearblock. 
mr Iohn Wroth.  mr Henry Briggs.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Tho: Gibbes.  mr Tho Keatley.  mr Geo. Smith. 
mr Edw: Harbert.  mr Cranmere.  mr Robertℯ. 
mr Kempton.  mr Bamforde.  mr Sparrow. 
Extr: Courte.

A Comission to Iohn Damyron mr of ye Duety beinge now red &
allowed for takinge the first op̱tunytie of winde and weather to sett
Saile for Virginia wth the Passengers the Company shippeth by
Commaund from his Maty: was now ordered that the Seale should be
thervnto affixed.

A Comission for
Ino Damirõ or-
dered to be sealled.

Mr Deputy informinge the Court that the knight Marshall havinge
been wth mr Thr̃er gave him to vnderstand that vppon Munday morn-
inge, ffiftie of the Persons to be transported for his Maty: should be att
Bridewell for the Company to make choyce of such as they thinke for


the present fitt to be sent therfore moved that some might repare
thether att 8 of the Clock to meet the knt Marshall about that buisi-
nes; Whervppon the Courte have desyred Mr Dr Wynstone, mr Can-
inge, mr Cranmore, and mr Thomas Mellinge to be there att that time.
Some of ye Compa:
to be at Bridewell
touchinge ye 50:
men yt must be

The Charter party beinge drawne and now p̱sented between Sr Edw:
Sandys knt Thr̃er and Sr Anthony Aucher, and Capt Thompson express-
inge ye Coueñntℯ betweene the Compa: and the said Capt Tompson
for fraight of the good Ship called the Ionathan, and Transportac̃on
of [105] Passengers; Mr Deputy desyred that Mr Thr̃er beinge to
seale yt for the vse of the Company, there might be an order of this
Court to save him harmeless. wch the Courte so willingly assented
vnto yt they confirmed his securitie (beinge putt to ye question) by
erecc̃on of hands.

The Charter party
betweene ye Com-
pa: and Capt Tomp-
son presented.
Mr Thr̃r. to be
saued harmeless.

ffifteen thousand waight of choyce Tobacco beinge sep̱ated from the
worst, one third p̱t of itt was agreed to be putt to Sale by the Candle
allowinge Trett 4 in the C: to pay att : 6 : and : 6 : moneths and if
any of the Compa: buy itt, to have the Custome free if they export
itt: Mr Tho: Mellinge biddinge iijs want a penny att the goinge out
of the flame had itt adiudged.

1500: wtt of choyce
Tobacco seperated
from ye worst
Mr Mellinge had it

A warr̃nt accordinge to order in the last Courte was now allowed
and signed by the Auditors to mr Thr̃er for the paymt of Sixteen
pounds to ffrauncis Barradine Katherine Bath haveinge made choyce
of him to be her Guardian.

A warr̃nt sealled
to mr Thr̃r for
paymt of xvjli to
Fra: Barradine
for Ka: Bath

Ann other warr̃nt was allowed and signed to mr Thr̃er for paymt of
400li: to Capt: Tompson, in p̱t of the Compa: agreemt for the fraight
of the Ship and Transportac̃on of Passengers accordinge to order of
Courte made primo die xbris 1619.

A warr: sealed to
Mr Thr̃r for pay-
mt of 400li to Capt

Elias Robertℯ haveinge paid in 12li:10s:00 to mr Thr̃er a bill of Adven-
ture was now allowed & sealed vnto him for a single Share of 100
Acres of Land in Virginia. [61]

A bill of Aduen-
ture sealed to mr


A blank space in the manuscript.