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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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DEDICATED To the illustrous Lampe of true Worth, the noble, Ingenious, judicious, and vnderstanding Gentleman, Sir Iames Mvray Knight.

Vnto the prospect of your Wisedomes eyes,
I Consecrate these Epithalamies.
Not that I thinke them worthy of your view,
But for in Loue my thoughts are bound to you:
I doe confesse my selfe vnworthy farre
To write, in such high causes as these are,
Which, Homer, Virgil, nor the fluent Tully,
In fitting tearmes could scarce expresse them fully:
But since the Muses did their bounties show,
And on me did poore Poësie bestow;
I hold it best to play the thankefull man,
To spend their guifts the best wayes that I can,
And not like pedling Bastards of the Muses,
That like to Lawyers, liue on Times abuses.
Thus vnto you I giue it as it is,
Desiring pardon where there's ought amisse.
Your Worships, Euer to be commanded in all integritie: Iohn Taylor.