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Sec. 30. Police justice.

The police justice shall have and possess all the jurisdiction
and exercise all the powers and authority in all criminal cases of
a justice of the peace for said city, and his jurisdiction shall extend
to within one mile of the corporate limits of the city; but he
shall receive no fees for services as such police justice, but all
such fees shall be turned into the city treasury. He shall also have
jurisdiction of and try violations of the city ordinances, and inflict
such punishment as may be prescribed for a violation of the
same. He shall have authority to issue his warrant for the arrest
of any person or persons violating any of the ordinances, acts or
resolutions of said city; it shall be his duty especially to see that
peace and good order are preserved, and persons and property
are protected in the city; he shall have power to issue executions
for all fines and costs imposed by him or he may require the immediate
payment thereof, and in default of such payment he may
commit the party in default to the city jail until the fine and costs
be paid, for a period, however, not exceeding ninety days. He
shall hold his court daily, except Sundays, at the place prescribed


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by the council, and if from any cause he shall be unable to act,
he shall appoint any other justice of the peace, or any councilman
of said city, to discharge the duties of the police justice prescribed
herein during such inability, and who shall be paid for such services
by the police justice at the same rate per diem as such police
justice receives. The police justice shall keep a regular account
of all fines, forfeitures, fees and costs imposed, arising or collected
in the administration of his office, which he shall report
monthly to the city treasurer, except that all fines collected for
offenses committed against the State shall go to the literary fund,
as provided by law. The police justice of said city shall be removed,
as hereinbefore provided, by the mayor upon proof of
malfeasance or misfeasance in office. The police justice shall receive
a compensation for his services, to be fixed by the councils,
which shall not be increased or decreased during the term for
which he is elected, but said compensation shall not be more than
twelve hundred dollars per annum, but nothing herein contained
shall be deemed to repeal or alter the general law with respect to
civil and police justices in cities.