University of Virginia Library

Scene IX.

A part of the Field on the western side of the Lis.—Artevelde, attended by several Officers and Pages.
Who's here? Fly, Sibrand, to the further left;
Bid Eversdyk and Alphen wheel their force
To prop me on my flank. [Exit Sibrand.
Enter a Messenger.

Run thou, De Roo—

Vauclaire, my Lord, is slain.

Is slain—hah—slain—


Thou to the rear, De Roo, and bid Van Ryk
Keep open passage on the bridge. Thou, Paul—

Enter a second Messenger.
Second Messenger.
Roosdyk, my Lord, is dying of his wounds.

I cannot help it. Keep the causeway clear,
And summon Reehorst to my aid. We shake.
The cry is still, Van Artevelde is slain.
Go make it known I live. Up with my cry!