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The Bride is Away


[On the marriage of Miss M---, of the vicarage, Gargrave. Set to music by Richard Limpus, Jun.]

The Bride is away—and there does not breathe one
Within the glad sound of these bells,
Who feels not as if with that lady were gone
Some charm from the spot where he dwells;
There does not breathe one but who feels at his heart
Two currents of sentiment met,
And who hardly knows whether the tear that would start
Is the offspting of Joy or Regret!
The Bride is away—like a bird from the bower,
In which 'twas the sweetest that sung;


Like a flower she hath passed, like a violet flower,
That perfumed all the place where it sprung!
And she charms other hearts with her bloom and her song,
But though of her presence bereft,
The thought of her goodness and loveliness long
Will be sweet in the hearts she has left!