University of Virginia Library

Now with the fire of battle,
Swords, and shields, and helmets ring;
Dreadful was the deadly rattle—
Either host fought for a king!
Red with blood the warriors' feet,
Shattered many a brazen shield;
Again they turn!—again they meet!
Death stamps his name upon the field.


Northumberland, with burning breast,
Leading his warriors at their head;
Each line, each squadron thus address'd:
“See, nearly half our foes are dead!
Forward, ye brave! the day is ours;
Forward, and fiercely fight the foe!”
But darts and arrows came in showers,
And laid the mighty leader low.
Now the charge—now the flame
Burning in each warrior's heart;
Each forgot, or life, or fame,
Scorned the sword, the spear, the dart.
Wave the red rose and the white,
Ranks are broken, rage is king;
Mingled, man with man they fight—
Lost the centre, and each wing.
Beaumont falls—a thousand more
Fight around the corse of Grey;
Ev'ry face is red with gore—
Death is sated with his prey.
Raging comes the furious storm,
Either host is lost in snow;
Rage so fierce—no line can form—
In the drifts are thousands low!


White the storm falls from the sky;
When upon the plain 'tis spread,
Soon 'tis changed with gory dye,
Swords, and snow, and fields are red.
Now the centre meets the wing;
Clash the swords, and break the spears;
Now the targe—the helmets ring,
Death in every form appears;
Limbs are lost, and heads are cleft,
Thousands fall to rise no more:
Oh! what widows then were left,
With their helpless orphans poor!
Now they fly, and now they turn,
By the battle's fury driv'n;
All their breasts with anger burn—
Death with every blow is giv'n!