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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“But now thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.” —Isaiah, xliii. 1.

Fear not, Jacob, tribulated,
Fear not, Israel, disesteem'd;
I, the Lord, who first created,
Have as gloriously redeem'd.
By thy name my love has call'd thee,
Bade my light around thee shine,
Broke the fetters which enthrall'd thee,
Through redemption made thee mine.


Fear not, Zion's sons and daughters!
Perfect love should cast out fear,
When ye pass through deepest waters,
I, your Saviour, still am near.
Overwhelm'd by waves of sorrow,
Place your trust in Zion's King;
Thence fresh comfort ye shall borrow,
Thence memorial stones shall bring.
In the furnace of affliction,
I will save you from despair;
Love divine shall bring conviction
That my arm is round you there.
Never shall you be forsaken,
Nothing shall have power to harm,
While your faith remains unshaken
In Jehovah's outstretch'd arm.
Heights nor depths shall from me sever
Those whom Christ hath brought to me,
I will keep them safe for ever,
And their God and Saviour be.