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By Owen Meredith [i.e. E. R. B. Lytton]

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All his cheek
Was disturb'd with the effort it cost him to speak.
‘It was not my fault. I have heard all,’ he said.
‘Now the letters—and farewell, Lucile! When you wed
The sentence broke short, like a weapon that snaps
When the weight of a man is upon it.


Said Lucile (her sole answer reveal'd in the flush
Of quick colour which up to her brows seem'd to rush
In reply to those few broken words), ‘this farewell
‘Is our last, Alfred Vargrave, in life. Who can tell?
‘Let us part without bitterness. Here are your letters.
‘Be assured I retain you no more in my fetters!’—
She laugh'd, as she said this, a little sad laugh.
And stretch'd out her hand with the letters. And half
Wroth to feel his wrath rise, and unable to trust
His own powers of restraint, in his bosom he thrust
The packet she gave, with a short angry sigh,
Bow'd his head, and departed without a reply.