University of Virginia Library



While iron hearts of the commercial race,
Dead to the feelings of each moral grace,
To Afric's woes refuse the just relief;
Fell agents of their pandemonian chief;
Who fires his advocates; his chosen band;
Though legislators to a Christian land:
See heaven-born genius noble thoughts display!
Illumined with it's GOD'S paternal ray!
His favourite sons, harmonious with His mind;
Destined to govern, and protect mankind;
The cause of freedom ardently maintain;
Crush, o'er the Atlantic, Satan's ruthless reign;
The truly great are ever the humane.


Born to be free, brave children of the sun!
White cruelty, at length, it's course hath run.
For you I oft have poured the plaintive strain;
When oft I felt, for you, transmitted pain.
“Let Afric, and her hundred thrones rejoice!”
Let Christians join their warm applauding voice!
If selfish, vulgar tyrants urge their plan;
The slow, deliberate murderers of man;
Debase GOD'S image in the human soul;
And sink it with their dark, and dire controul;
Ethereal minds diffuse their cheering light,
And quell the demons of eternal night;
Like Sol, to bless the universe, they shine;
Bright emanations of the POWER DIVINE!
Lesbury, June 13th, 1804.

A line from that glorious tragedy, the Revenge.