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The Treasury of Musick

Containing ayres and dialogues To Sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol. Composed

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On Loves deceitful Charmes.


I will not trust thy tempting graces,
Nor thy deceitfull charms,
Nor pris'ner be to thy imbraces,
Or fetter'd in thine arms:
No Celia, no, not all thy art
Can wound or captivate my heart.


I will not gaze upon thine eyes,
Nor wanton with thy haire,
Lest those should burn me by surprize,
Or these my soul insnare:
Nor with those smiling dangers play,
Or fool my liberty away.


Since then my weary heart is free,
And unconfin'd as thine;
If thou would'st mine should captive be,
Thou must thine own resigne:
And Gratitude shall thus move more
Than Love or Beauty could before.