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Vr ladi seide: “ȝe sey falsly;
Whon-euer he went and passed me bi,
He grette me wiþ an Aue,
And þus he tok leue of me,
Als euere he, whon he com a-ȝeyn,
To sey an Aue he was fayn.
Ȝe schul not sei we take hym ow fro
Wiþ strengþe ne Manas ner-þe-Mo:
Put we hit In þe Iuggement
Of þe heiȝe kyng, verreyment.”
As þei þus striuen I-fere,
Þorw Maries Mylde prey[er]e
Hit lyked God, of alle souereyn,
Þe soule to þe bodi wende a-ȝeyn,
Þat he mihte here him-self aMende,
Til god wolde aftur hym sende.
His breþeren þat slepten in here wyse
Weren awaked and wolden aryse,
Gret wonder þei hedden hem among
Whi þe sexsteyn was so long. . . [OMITTED]