University of Virginia Library

68. For to Pente


Univ. Libr., Ff.1.6, foll. 143v–144r.

ffor to pente
And after rep[e]nte
hyt were ffoly


Other wass then troyth
me wer ffull loyth
I sweyte ffor ffente
leste I be schent
To a pere
The rememberauns
Off my plesauns
Compyled here
Off a starre
Wyth owte comparre
Be lykenesse
In the beyme
That hyt ys En
most off swettnesse
And more orryaund
And pwere gloryaund
In bewte
Off all othere
hyt ys the modere
In my nee
In a cloud off blewe
hyt Dyd never remewe
The spere
But euere in on
bryght hyt Shon
Stremeyn clere
But Euere me mente
On me hyt blentte
wyth laughyng′ chere
hyt to be hold′
Was I never′ a cold′
The lonsom lere
Eke stremes ther off
A way Droffe
Euere the rake
A wykyd wynde
rosse be hende
At my bake
hyt was so lowde
hyt blew a clowd
vp ryght
hyt was so blake
hyt dyd over lape
my seght
But Euer I pray
Boyth nygh and day
Whell I mey speke
The Clowd sso dem
A way to Swym
In pesyss breke


That I mey se
The starre so ffre
shynyng′ brygh[t]
In the weste
That goyth to reste
Euerry nyght