University of Virginia Library



Blist be that houer, and blissed be that day,
that opned vp the wyndowes to disdayne,
whair through my eyes there blyndnes dothe bewraye,
which, whils they servd, they served but ay in vayne:
my harte now knawes quhat sore perpetuell payne
adoring yow with ȝeale it hes susteande,
and quhat conceates to honour yow did frame,
and quhat trewe markes of doole it long reteand:
now more advysde this muche by greif I gaynde,
that, as I hope, so sall I see your face
with weake encroaching age baith spoyld and staynde,
as pailnes doithe your purpill cheikes deface,
and see the roses faid which they have worne,
and from my harte with theme to feill the thorne.