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A gorgious Gallery, of gallant Inuentions

Garnished and decked with diuers dayntie deuises, right delicate and delightfull, to recreate eche modest minde withall. First framed and fashioned in sundrie formes, by diuers worthy workemen of late dayes: and now, ioyned together and builded up: By T. P. [i.e. Thomas Procter]

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A short Epistle written in the behalfe of N.B. to M.H.

Deare Lady deckt with cumlynesse,
To counteruayle my clemency:
Bee prest, I pray, in readynesse,
To yeeld your courteous curtesie.
Let mee you finde Penelope,
In minde, and loyall hart:
So shall I, your Vlisses bee,
Till breathing lyfe depart.
Yelde loue for loue, to him who lykes,
To liue in lynckes of loyalty:
And graunt him grace, who nothing seekes,
For his good will, but curtesy.
Let mee your bondman, fauour finde,
To gratefie my willing harte:
Whom no attempt, to please your minde,
Shall hynder mee, to play my parte.
Permit mee not, in lingring sorte,
To labour in a barrayn soyle:
Ne giue occasion to reporte,
How loytryng loue, reapes troubled toyle.
But let mee say, my hart obtaynd,
The gloze, which pleasd' my glauncing eyes:
And that I haue for guerdon gaynd,
The best that in my Lady lyes.
So shall I boast of that, which best
Doth please the prime of my desire:
And glory in a gayned rest,
Which through your fauour I aspire.