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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Peace Good-thinking, for none wil beleeue thy Inuencyon/
Which reade the Scripture, as I do now coniecter:
For when the Scripture cam abrode/& was heald for a Directer/
Then was it playnly founde, in Citee and in Towne/
That Unregarding and Good-thinking, were both put-downe.
Thus byde we ; at this present; dispised and brought lowe.

Yea, but I can tell, how to com in holy Showe/
Deceaueing the Wyse, which with Scripture largly deale:
Also all, that weare our Garments/and beare to vs a Seale/
Which Garments they haue, from vs, out of our Store:
Wherthrough they be self-willed, with vexing Cumbers, sore/
Also, enuyous in their Mynde, and wicked in their Talking:
When we now haue tryd, their Hearts and their Walking/
Then wil we keepe them company, like pleasant ieasting Mates.

But I feare they wil not let, such Gests in at their Gates.
For they wil ; with the Scripture; shame vs, I suspect.