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The legendary ark of yore
Sent forth a pilgrim dove
Whose pinions fair a message bore,
An embassy of love.
Where first her foot did rest, was found
The olive branch of Peace,
And, waving this o'er Ocean's bound,
She bade its tumult cease.
Again, when Jesus, strong to save,
By Jordan's tide did wait,
A white dove hovered o'er the wave
His form should consecrate.
The blazonry of discord glows
In the ensanguined East,
And man with man must meet as foes,
As beast encounters beast.
But human souls have power to seek
The majesty of prayer,
And, quickened by its might, to speak
Words that sound everywhere.


From these calm precincts where we meet
Intent on heavenly things,
The Dove of Peace the world shall greet
With healing on her wings.