University of Virginia Library


Saturday September 21st 1805.

We were detained this morning untill 11 OCk. in consequence
of not being able to collect our horses. we then set
out and proceeded along the ridge on which we had encamped,
leaving which at 1-½ we passed a large creek [Collins—Ed.]
runing to the left just above it's junction with another which
run parrallel with and on the left of our road before we struck
the creek; through the level wide and heavy timbered bottom
of this creek we proceeded about 2-½ miles when bearing to
the right we passed a broken country heavily timbered great
quantities of which had fallen and so obstructed our road
that it was almost impracticable to proceed in many places.
th[r]ough these hills we proceeded about 5.Ms. when we passed
a small creek on which Capt. Clark encamped on the 19th.
passing this creek we continued our rout 5.Ms. thro' a similar
country when we struck a large creek at the forks, passed the
Northern branch and continued down it on the West side
1 mile and encamped in a small open bottom where there was
tolerable food for our horses. I directed the horses to be
hubbled to prevent delay in the morning being determined to
make a forced march tomorrow in order to reach if possible
the open country, we killed a few Pheasants, and I killed a
prarie woolf which together with the ballance of our horse
beef and some crawfish which we obtained in the creek enabled
us to make one more hearty meal, not knowing where the
next was to be found. (Copy for Dr. Barton) the Arborvita


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increases in quantity and size. I saw several sticks today
large enough to form eligant perogues of at least 45 feet in
length. I find myself growing weak for the want of food and
most of the men complain of a similar deficiency, and have
fallen off very much. the general course of this day S. 30 W.
15. M.