University of Virginia Library

I. Economics.

Economics B1: The Principles of Economics: (Not open to first year
students.)—First and second terms: Survey of the principles of economics.
Third term: The bearing of these principles upon present American conditions.
Instruction will be given by lectures, assigned readings, reports,
and discussions.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Associate Professor
Snavely and assistants.

Economics C1: The Growth of American Industry and Commerce:
Economics B1 and any other B course in Group IV, prerequisite.—Economic
principles as illustrated by American experience, with a study of the influence
of economic conditions upon American social and political development.
The work is mainly topical, and the topics receiving chief emphasis
vary from year to year. Associate Professor Snavely.

Economics C2: Public Finance: Economics B1 and one other B course


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in Group IV, prerequisite.—First and second terms: The general principles
of public finance, with a detailed investigation of state and local taxation.
Third term: The financial institutions and methods of the federal government.
Associate Professor Snavely.

Economics C3: Money and Banking and Foreign Exchange: Economics
B1 and one other B course in Group IV, prerequisite.
—First and second
terms: Money and Banking: A study of monetary systems, forms of
money and monetary standards, price level and its fluctuations, principles
of banking, national banking system and the Federal Reserve system,
government financing. Third term: Foreign Exchange. Associate Professor

Economics C4: Corporation Finance: Economics B1 and one other B
course in Group IV, prerequisite.
First and second terms: Forms of business
organization, growth of corporations, corporation laws of different
states, sources of capital, stocks and bonds, profits and distribution of
earnings, use of surplus. Third term: Combinations and Trusts.—
(Omitted in 1920-1921.)—Associate Professor Snavely.