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[Ye men of Israel, hear]


Ye men of Israel, hear
The words of truth and grace,
Jesus did in the flesh appear,
To save a sinking race;
A man of God approved,
By signs and wonders known,
Jesus, the Father's Well-beloved,
The co-eternal Son.


The Prince of life and peace,
By heaven's supreme decree,
Deliver'd up, ye dared to seize,
And nail Him to the tree;
Taken by wicked hands,
And crucified and slain;
But God hath loosed the mortal bands,
And raised Him up again.



It was not possible
That death should keep its Prey;
God would not leave His soul in hell,
Or let His flesh decay:
His flesh reposed in hope
Of the third joyful morn,
And then the Father raised Him up,
And God again was born.


This Jesus is restored
To life by power Divine;
We all proclaim our living Lord,
And in His praises join:
We are His witnesses,
He is gone up on high,
Exalted to His native place,
He lives no more to die.


Again at God's right hand
Our Lord is call'd to sit,
Till all who now His sway withstand,
Are crush'd beneath His feet:
Be it to Israel's seed,
To every sinner known,
God hath perform'd His oath indeed,
Hath glorified His Son.


Sinners, believe He died,
And rose to buy your peace;
Jesus the Christ, the Crucified,
The Lord of life confess:


Repent in Jesus' name,
Believe and be forgiven,
And take the Holy Ghost ye claim,
And rise with us to heaven.