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The later poems of John Clare

1837-1864 ... General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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The daisy luiks sweet at the spring o' the year
And the pileworts are bright as the sun shining clear
And nature smiles sweet as the wild flowers come in
To destroy them in wantonness were a great sin
They're the types o' Gods love and sweet pictures they make
On the hedge row or meadow by river or lake
The little birds love them and make their nests nigh
The Lark by the daisy on bushes the Pye



Sweet flow'rets from God in the spring time appear
And the music of God is re-echoing clear
How deliciously sweet are the songs of the birds
The bleating of sheep and the lowing of herds
The chafing of waters the sighs o the wind
They breathe forth a melody soothing the mind
And the hum o the old early granfather bee
In concert is helping to keep up the glee


Should you walk over flowers which in the glade lay
And crush them still others will spring up next day
And those which you've trod on will kindle again
When the dew falls upon em wi' showers of rain
The meadows are covered and so are the 'oods
With Anenome blossoms just bursting from buds
They bloom with the primroses in the green moss
'Neath hazels and maple's and bushes o goss


I love the green cornfields and meadows to see
And the snowy white blossoms upon the green tree
And all the sweet herbage a bursting to flow'rs
In heath land and pastures and meadows or moors
I love the sweet glimpses o' first peeping spring
Primroses and cowslips and every green thing
To sit on the grass beneath the green tree
These I love! So do all natures children wi' me