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January 3, A.D. 1602.

What man can stand amid a place of tombs
Nor yearn to that poor vanquished dust beneath?
Above a Nation's grave no violet blooms;
A vanquished Nation lies in endless death.


'Tis past: the dark is dense with ghost and vision!
All lost! the air is throng'd with moan and wail:
But one day more and hope had been fruition:
O Athunree, thy fate o'erhung Kinsale!
What name is that which lays on every head
A hand like fire, striking the strong locks grey?
What name is named not save with shame and dread?
Once let us breathe it,—then no more for aye!
Kinsale! accursed be he, the first who bragg'd
‘A city stands where roam'd but late the flock;’
Accursed the day when, from the mountain dragg'd,
Thy corner-stone forsook the mother-rock!

The inexplicable disaster at Kinsale, when, after their marvellous winter march, the two great Northern chiefs of Tirconnell and Tyrone had succeeded in relieving their Spanish allies there, was one of those events upon which the history of a nation turns. We know little more than that it was a night-attack, the secret of which had been divulged by a deserter. O'Donnell took shipping for Spain, where he died before the promised aid was furnished, in the twenty-ninth year of his age, September 10, 1602. King Philip caused him to be buried in the Cathedral of Valladolid, and raised there a monument in his honour. O'Neill fought his way back to Ulster. Lord Mountjoy had repeatedly wasted the country, so that a terrible famine reigned. Every day O'Neill was more strictly hemmed in; while his allies deserted him and his retainers were starved. When the news arrived of the death of Red Hugh O'Donnell all hope was over. He agreed to the terms proposed to him by Mountjoy, surrendering his claims as a native prince, and engaging to resume his title as Earl of Tyrone. Several days previously the Queen had died; but Mountjoy had concealed this event. A few days later the ships of O'Neill's Spanish allies arrived. He sent them back.