University of Virginia Library

Invitation to the Robin

Come, Robin, come, and sing to me,
—The winter time has gone—
Upon the ancient locust tree,
That silent stands, and lone.


For pleasant now the spring-like days,
I long thy voice to hear,
And listen to thy morning lays,
So full of joy and cheer.
Thou art a Messenger of love,
And dost glad tidings bring;
Thy prophecy our hearts doth move,
True Herald of the Spring!
That soon the pastures will be green,
The early flowers appear,
The blossoms and the leaves be seen,
And May's fair month be here.
In thy glad message we rejoice,
No longer then delay!
We long to hear thy cheerful voice,
And list thy morning lay.
Poem No. 91; c. 12 March 1880