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[In vain the French before Turin prepare]

In this Cut is represented the Duke of Orleans's Disgrace before Turin; which is figur'd under the shape of a Bull, from Taurinum its Latin Name, deriv'd from Taurus a Bull. The Flame and Smoke which the Beast breathes, shews the vigorous Defence that City made; and the Tomb underneath signifys the Destruction of the French Officers who were bury'd before it. The Executions in the Cut, are the French Officers, whom the Duke of Orleans, represented with the Wheel in his hand, order'd to be hang'd or beheaded for Cowardice. In this Defeat the French lost almost all their Horse, 13 Regiments of Dragoons, their Bag, Baggage, Colours, 200 Pieces of Cannon, besides Mortars; 30000 Men, and 500 Officers kill'd or taken.

In vain the French before Turin prepare
The dreadful Storm, and push a fatal War.
The Lombard Bull with frightful Fury roars,
And with deep Wounds the fierce Assailants gores;
Shoots from his brazen Mouth a thousand Deaths,
And Smoke & Flame from his wide Nostrils breathes.
Rashly the Foe to sure Destruction come,
And where they sought a Trophy, find a Tomb.