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SOME women much prefer to use a bit of rag-carpet in place of a regular-made mat at their doors. It is a good idea. If there is any thing better calculated to attract a man's attention than a rag-carpet at a door, we don't know of it. It causes more hard feeling, and is productive of more hard and unforgiving words, than any article about the house, excepting always the family hammer. Three pieces of rag-carpet thus situated will bankrupt an upright man inside of a fortnight, and turn a happy home into an uproarious and outrageous Bedlam. Not one man in one hundred can go through a door thus protected without catching his foot in that carpet, to the great danger of flinging himself violently to the floor, and flattening his nose. And it not only twists his legs, but it drags over the sill, and catches the door as he shuts it, and starts his temper afresh. It being too degrading and unmanly to stoop down and remove the obstacle with his hand, he gives it a kick, and is surprised to see how easy it is to miss it. He fetches another and more vicious kick at it, and succeeds in removing about an inch of it. Then


he swings the door to, and, setting his teeth together, attempts to shut it over the obstacle. The more the obstruction resists him, the more desperately he pushes. This is on the generally-received and very agreeable theory, that inanimate things are human in so far as it is human to be vicious and obstinate. It is the principle which induces a boy to pound a stick of wood which flies up and hits him. Having convinced himself that the building will not sufficiently give to permit of shutting the door without removing the carpet, the carpet is kicked away (it is never laid away); and it is either kicked the whole length of the hall, or tumbled in a heap just outside the sill, where the next person appearing catches both feet into it, and shoots into the room with hair erect, eyeballs protruding, and feet madly and passionately endeavoring to recover their balance.