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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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424. Pentecost.


On the day of Pentecost,
Thousands their Lord obey'd;
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
We now implore thine aid:
Thou, O Lord! all power dost own;
Turn to flesh our hearts of stone!


Fetters form'd of triple brass,
Thy touch dissolved of old;
Bring the promised hour to pass!
Enlarge the Saviour's fold!
Let each people, tongue, and tribe,
Glory to the Lamb ascribe!


Souls estranged from thee, who spurn
The Great Immanuel's sway;
Thou, like streams, their hearts canst turn,
And make them truth obey:
In thine own appointed hour,
Visit them with grace, and power.



Let barbarian, bond, and free,
Before their Maker fall!
Let the loftiest bow to thee,
The Sovereign Lord of all!
Rend their fetters! break their chain!
In their spirits live, and reign!


Thou, who, at thy servants' voice,
(While they for pardon plead,)
Mad'st the multitude rejoice,
From Satan's bondage freed,
Come! the miracle repeat!
Bring us to the mercy seat!


Let some humbler Pentecost
Among us now appear!
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
O, make us see, and hear!
Hear our Lord, inviting, cry!
And behold redemption nigh!