University of Virginia Library




Cloak'd in the garment of green, who lies on the bed of Mohammed,
Restless and full of fear, yet semblant of one that is sleeping?
Every sound of the feet at his door he hears, and the breathing
Low of inaudible words: he knows their meaning of murder,
Knows what manner of men await his outgoing, and listens
All their tread, and their whisp'ring, till even the play of his pulses
Disturbs him, so deep his attention. The men of the Koreish
Fix on the green-robed youth their eyes; impatiently watchful
Wait they the steps of his rising, the coming of him whom they hated.
He rises and makes himself pure, and turning towards the Caaba,
Loud he repeats his prayer; they hear, and, in eagerness trembling,
Grasp the hilts of their swords—their swords that are sworn to the slaughter.
But when the youth went forth, they saw, and, behold! it was Ali!
Steady the hero's face: it was pale, for his life was a blessing;
It was calm, for in death he look'd on to the crown of the martyr.
Dark as they were of soul, and goaded by rage disappointed,
They shed not the blood of the youth, but remember'd their chieftain his father,
Abu Taleb the good, and respected the virtue of friendship.
Baffled, and full of wrath, through Mecca they scatter the tidings:
“He has fled, has discover'd our plans, has eluded our vengeance.


“Saw ye the steps of his flight? Where lurks he, the lying blasphemer?
“Now to the chase, to the chase; seize now the bow and the quiver;
“Now with the sword and the spear, ye stubborn of Mecca! pursue him;
“Seek him now to the north and the south, to the sunset and sunrise;
“Follow, follow the chosen one's flight!” They rush from the city:
Over the plain they pursue him, pursue him with cries and with curses—
Sounds that rung over the plain, and rung in the echoing mountains;
And Mecca received in her streets the din of their clamorous uproar.
But the voice of the Moslem, the silent prayer of the faithful,
Rose to the throne of God; and tears of the heart overflowing
Interceded for him whom they loved and believed his apostle.
“Where is the blasphemous fled?—the lying disturber of Mecca?
“Has he journey'd to Tayef? Under the shield of his uncle
“Lurks he for safety there?—or to Yathreb, the credulous city?
“Or seeks he the Ethiop's court, where the earlier runaways shelter?”
Lashing their steeds, they pursue; to the east and the dwelling of Abbas
Hasten the thirsty for blood; to the north they hurry, to Yathreb;
Some to the shore of the sea, lest haply a bark might await him,
And the waves should become his protectors; impetuously rushing,
Drive they in fury along; beneath the hoofs of their horses
Sparkles the rock of the valley, and rises the dust of the desert.
Others the while, more cool in wrath, and thoughtful in fury,
Over the town search sedulous: they in the Hashemites' dwellings
Seek for the man proscribed; in the dwellings of Hamza and Omar,
Ali, Abubeker, and Saad, and Abu Obeidah;
All whom the Prophet loved, who believed in the son of Abdallah.
Every house they search in the populous city, whose threshold
Ever his feet had trod; thus vainly through Mecca they seek him
Then, unassuaged of hate, of rancour and wrath unabated,
They to the mountains turn, to seek in their dens and retirings


If from the death he lurks: they enter the cavern of Hira,
Place of his fasting and prayer; the cavern of Hira is lonely.
Not in the depth of the cave, and not in the mountain retirings,
Not in their hollows and glens, can they track the steps of his going.
So through the day they sought; and still, when the sun was descending,
They were among the hills: then faint, disappointed, and weary,
Turning their faces homeward, they journey'd slowly and sullen
Down their rough mountain path; but often paused, and around them
Linger'd with prowling eyes: a little wide of their pathway,
Thus as they paused, they saw in the side of the stony mountain
A cave-mouth, narrow and high: the hill had the hue of the evening
Rich on its rugged sides, and the chasm was distinct in its blackness.
Thither turning, they sped; and one who forewent his companions
Came to the cavern's mouth: disturb'd by the noise of his footsteps,
From her nest, in the side of the chasm, a pigeon affrighted
Fled. The advancing pursuers heard the whirr of her pinions,
And he who was first exclaim'd, “There is none in the hole of the mountain;
“For lo! a pigeon fled from her nest at the sound of my coming,
“And the spider hath spread his network over the entrance.”
Then from the cave he turn'd.
Was thy spirit shaken, Mohammed,
When in the depth of the rock thou heardest the voice of the Koreish?
He who was with thee trembled; the sweat on his forehead was chilly,
And his eyes in alarm were turn'd towards thee in the darkness.
Silent they sat in the rock; nor moved they, nor breathed they; but listen'd
Long to the tread of the feet, that, fainter and fainter sounding,
Died in the distance now: yet still they were silent, and listen'd.
Abubeker first, as his fear gave faith to the echo,
Fresh in his sense alarm'd—“Hark! hark! I hear them returning
“They are many, and we but two!” he whisper'd, in terror.
“There is a third!” aloud replied the son of Abdallah—


So the night came on, and they in the place of their refuge
Silently sat. And now in hope they listen'd, awaiting
Sound of approaching feet—of trusted friend or disciple,
Bringing them food and tidings, now that the darkness had settled.
Slow past the expectant hours: nearer the mouth of the cavern
Eagerly now they drew. The sound of the wind that was passing
Took from their hope its tone; and now in its distant murmurs
They heard the tread of feet; and now despairingly argued
Danger was yet abroad, and none could venture towards them.
Midnight came; and a step was heard—distinctly they heard it:
Heavier it comes,—and now in the rock—and a voice—it is Ali.
He in the cave laid down the water-skin that he carried,
And the figs wrapt under his robe: then told he his tidings.
Low was his voice, for he spake in fear: “The peril is pressing,
“Prophet of God, I saw thy foes return in the twilight:
“Sullen they came from their toil, and talk'd of the search on the morrow.
“The Idolaters joy in thy flight, and grieve at thy safety:
“God shall remember their joy, and that grief, in the day of his judgment.
“They shall feel in their evil load! A price is appointed
“His who shall shed thy blood: but keep thou close in the mountain;
“God will confound their plots.”
He paused; so suddenly checking
Words on their way, as one who tells but half of his errand,
Loath to utter the worse remainder, that yet must be utter'd.
Sure if Mohammed had seen his eye, he had read in its trouble
Tidings of evil to come. At length to the son of Abdallah,
Telling his tale of woe, spake Ali the first of believers:
“Prophet, there is grief in thy dwelling: Cadijah in sickness
“Lies on her bed of pain: for death she is stricken, I fear me.’
Mohammed heard; and he bow'd his head, and groan'd for his exile.