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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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Home! word that sums all Joy, sole fountainhead
Of the deep stream of Bliss, if any be;
There is no substitute on Earth for thee;
Once lost, the sense of happines is fled,
And in the heart, a cold, dull void instead
Is left, that Time cannot fill up — thy high


And holy pleasures have the purity
Of Heaven's best gifts; and e'en the daily bread
Wrung from the sweat of poverty and pain,
With thee, is sweeter than the costly fare
Of Kings who know thee not; who in their vain
And empty pageantry, can have no share
Of these thy inward blessings, which disdain,
Save in the pure heart, their sweet fruits to bear!