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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

expand sectionI, II. 

LXVII. Leviticus, Chap. VIII. from Ver. 5. to 10. Chap. IX.

Aaron's Vestments. His Offerings.

And now behold the holy Vestments grace
Great Aaron, and his consecrated Race:
Of purest Linnen twin'd his Mitre made,
A glorious Ephod o'r his Shoulders laid:
Light and Perfection on his Breast he wears,
And near his Heart the Names of Israel bears,


On richest Gems within the Folds enchas'd,
Which as he mov'd a dazling Splendor cast.
In finest Linnen clad his Sons appear,
Miters their Heads, their Shoulders Ephods wear.
Inestimable Unguents largely shed
Surround the Holy Pontiff's rev'rend Head,
Thence to his Robes descend, and scatt'ring there
With fragrant Odours fill the Ambient Air:
Thus vested, he his Offerings makes t'atone
At once the Peoples Errors, and his own:
An Holocaust upon the Altar lays,
And next the peaceful Minchas chearful blaze:
Pure Incense last within the Veil he burns,
Then Moses joyns, and to the Crowd returns,
Whom both with lifted Hands they bless-when see,
To firm their Pray'rs a welcome Prodigie!
Th'illumin'd Cloud is fill'd with golden Streams,
Which drown the fainter Suns retiring Beams;
From whence large Sheets of pure Ætherial Flame
Shot thro' the Clouds and instantaneous came;
Consume the Fat which on the Altar lies,
Consume at once the grateful Sacrifice.
Low on the Ground th'astonish'd People fell,
And with loud Shouts they praise the God of Israel.