University of Virginia Library



To the Same.

Lips which Venus might adorn,
Hide! oh hide! your coral dyes:
Stars which do mislead the morn
Sparkling bright in Clara's eyes;
Hide your beams! nor in your sphere
Tempt a Lover to despair.
Cheeks where vermil roses glow,
Iv'ry neck of radiant guise,
Sweetly swelling Breasts of snow,
Where inshrin'd young Cupid lies,
Hide in shades of golden hair,
Nor tempt a Lover to despair.
Involv'd in Zephyr's honey'd breath,
Ah! by magic charm undone,
Ah! I meet a noble death,
Phænix like, beneath the sun;
Both an envy'd fortune prove,
He for Glory, I for Love.