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Moral and political fables

ancient and modern. Done into Measurd Prose intermixd with Ryme. By Dr. Walter Pope

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Fab. LVII. The Flie.
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Fab. LVII. The Flie.

A Hungry Flie, fell int' a Pot of Broth,
And having eat, and drank his fill, perceivd
His strength decreasd, his Body heavy grown,
His Wings wet, and unfit to bear his weight;
In short, seeing no way to avoid death,
With a sedate Mind, and undaunted Heart,
Thus to himself he said, I have eat, and drank,
And washd, why should I be afraid to die?

The Moral.

Bear patiently what thou canst not avoid.

Another Moral out of J. C. To this purpose.

O Man! what ever is thy Lot,
Either it may be remedied, or not.
If not, with patience thy Lot endure,
If't may, with speed the Remedy procure.