University of Virginia Library

The .lxxvj. Psalme.

In Iuda God is surely knowē, and eke in Israell:
Hys holy name is had in price, and men lyke it full well.
Hys tabernacle and his tent, is in Salem pytched:

And in Sion his holy seate and dwellynge is builded.
Ther hath he broken the arrowes that came forth of the bowe:
The shyld, the swerd, & all the raye, he brake also I knowe.
O Lorde thou art much more noble, and more magnificent:
Then are the robbars of the hylles that to spoylynge are bent.
The men that were of haute courage, are nowe become a praye:
They are slayne and haue slept theyr slepe, so slender was theyr staye.
All men that were stronge and myghtie & able for to fyght:
Haue not by strenght optayned ought, but are turned to flyght.
When thou rebukest men that fyght on horsse or in charet:
Then are they caste into slumber, and do thēselues forget.
For thou (O Iacobes God I saye) arte terrible in dede:
And who can abyde in thy syght, when thy wrath is moued?
Once thy iuste iudgment was shewed downe from heauen vpon man:
Then shoke the earth & great silēce through out the same began.

This thynge was done when God arose to minister iudgment:
And to saue them that on the earth were weake and impotent.
For when thou doest punish one man and plageste his furie:
Then doest thou put the rest in feare to deale so cruelly.
Make and performe vowes to your God, all you that nygh him be:
Loke that ye brynge gyftes vnto him, for terrible is he.
He stoppeth the breath of rulars, and causeth them to die:
And the myghtie kynges of the earth feare him excedyngly.