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expand sectionII, III, IV. 

Of Mysenus entyrment at was slane,
And quhou Eneas fand the goldin grane.
Ene, with drery cheir and eyn down cast,
Levand the cave, furth on his way is past,
And in his breste gan rollyng all on raw
Thir onkouth chancis, wondir strange to knaw.
Achates, hys traste frend, furth by hym went,
Ilk step and payss musyng the sammyn entent,
Ful mony diuerss sermondis betwix thame two
Talkand and carpand oft quhar as tha go,
Dowtsum quhilk of thar feris this mycht be
The prophetes thame tald was done to de,
Or quhat corps was this scho thame bad bery.
And, as thai come apon the strandis dry,


Thai gan behald, ligging in the ilk sted,
Mysenus new slane be onworthy ded,
Mysenus, Eolus son, nane mair cunnand
Ostis to assembill with brasyn trump in hand,
That with his sovnd and weirly blastis oftsyss
The martial curage maid in brestis ryss.
Sum tyme he was ane of gret Hectoris feris;
About Hector evir hantit he the werys,
Now blawing with hys trump maste craftely,
Now with a speir ionand hys mastir by.
Eftir Achil reft him the lyfe in wer,
Til dowchty Ene this forcy chyvaler
Adionyt hess him self in falloschip,
A man of na less prowes nor wirschip.
Bot now, percace, with his boyss trump as he
Went onprovisitly blawand by the see,
To stryfe prouoking the goddis with his springis,
Gif it be lesum to trast sa schameful thingis,
Triton the god, havand tharat dispite,
Or he was war, hym hyntis and dyd smyte
Amang the fomy rolkis law adown,
And in the salt wallys the man gan drown.
Quharfor about his corps with gret clamour
The Troianys stude murnand, and maid dolour;
Bot principaly the rewthfull Eneas.
Sibillais heste, as he commandit was,
Tho sped in haist forto perform weping;
For the sepulcre funerale fyre or byng,
Ane hepe of treis thai press onone to dycht,
And vp onto the hevynnys rayss on hight.
Ontil ane ancyent forest socht thai then,
Entrand in mony dern wild bestis den;
Ful of roset down bet is the fyr tre,
Smyte with the ax dyd rayr the akis hie,
Gret eschin stokkis tumlys to the grond,
With weggeis schydit gan the byrkis sovnd,
The felloun elmys weltis down the hillys.
Ene him self alsso, with ful gude willys


Into sik warkis, with the first, al day
For tobe bissy gan hys feris pray,
With lwme in hand fast wirkand lyke the laif;
And in hys breste gan to and fra consaif,
Ful hevely, thir materis war betyde,
Behaldand the large wod on athir syde,
Thar as he stude thus makand hys prayer:
“Wald God ȝon goldyn branch list now appeir,
And kyth the self to ws in this forest!
Sen lo, al thing the prophetes exprest
Of the, Mysenus, ar our trew, allace!”
Skars war thir wordis said, quhen, in that place,
A payr of dowis fra hevin come with a flycht,
And richt forgane the mannys face dyd lycht,
And on the grene sward thar place tuke law.
This rial prynce, alssone as he thame saw,
His moderis byrdis knew, and blithly than
Hys orison hess maid, and thus began:
“O haly fowlys, gif the way may be went,
Be ȝe my gydis to compleit myne entent.
Address ȝour courss throu owt the ayr in hy
Onto that haly schaw, with soyl myghty,
Quhar as that rych branch the grond ourheildis.
And ȝe, my blissit moder, that our beild is
Into this dowtsum cace, be nocht away:
I ȝou beseik be favorabill to our way.”
And prayand thus, efter the spamen werd,
He prentit baith his futsteppis in the erd,
Behaldand redly quhat syngnys thai schaw,
Or quhidder thai mark, etand, pasyng on raw.
Thai at the last gan flychtir furth a space,
Half stalkand on the grond a soft pace,
Sa fer befor Achates and Ene
As thai mycht weil behald thame with thar e.
And alssone as thai come to the entre
Of Avernus, that stynkand hellys see,
Vprayss thai swyftly, and in the moste ayr
Flaw furth, and syne gan alycht and repair


Apon thar segyss, quhar thame list tobe,
Of diuerss naturis perkit on the tre,
Throw quhais branchis, of seir hewis mony ane,
The brycht glittyrrand goldin cullour schane.
Lyke as ful oft, in chil wyntiris tyde,
The gum or glew, amyd the woddis wide,
Is wont to seym ȝallow on the grane new,
Quhilk nevir of that treis substance grew,
With saffron hewit frute doyng furth sprowt,
Circulis and wymplis rownd bewis abowt—
Siklyke was of this gold the figur brycht,
That burgionyt fayr on the rank akis hycht.
Evir as the branch for pypand wynd reboundit,
The goldin schakeris ratlis and resoundit.
Eneas smertly hynt the grayn at schone,
And but delay hess rent it dovn anone;
Desyrus to compleit hys way alssua,
Bair it onto the hald of Sibilla.
And netheless Troianys, this ilk tyde,
Mysenus deth bewalit at the cost syde,
Onto the dolorus onsilly body
Funeral seruyce completand by and by.
At the begynnyng first vp hie thai beild
A huge munge or byng amyd the feild,
Of dry ayk schydis and fat roset treys;
Al sydis tharof, als fer as ony seys,
Was dek and coverit with thir dedly bewis,
And wild cipress, the tre of mortall hewys;
The top abufe arrayt was at richt,
And adornyt with schynand armour bricht.
Sum spedis to graith hait watir bissely
In caldronys playand on the fyre fast by;
The cald ded corps is weschin and invnct,
Enbalmyt with rich gummys euery iunct.
Thai schowting, gowling and clamour abowt him maid;
The body syne bewalit haue thai laid
In a soft bed, and thar abuf was spred
Purpour robbis, quharwith he wont was cled.


Sum on thar schulderis the gret beir vpbair,
A dulful office, with mony sob and rayr,
And, as the maner of tendir frendis is,
For sorow thar facis writhis away, I wys,
Puttand the kyndling in with hait fyre brand.
Gret hepis of censs vpblesit fra hand to hand;
Cowpis and goblettis, warpit in the fyre,
Ful of oyl dolyve, brynt vp brycht and schire.
Efter all was fallin in puldir and in ass,
And the gret heit of flambis quynchit was,
The reliqueis and the dry ammeris syne
Thai sloknyt, and gan weschin with sweit wyne.
The banys, walit by and naitly chosit,
Choryneus in a brassyn twn hess closit;
And this ilk man his feris al, but dowt,
With cleyn watir clengit thryss abowt,
Strinkland a litil dewing, as was the gyss,
With the branch of a happy olyve thryss;
He purgit and aspergit weil the men,
The lattir word, “Al in done!” said he then.
Eneas tho gart vp erekkit be
A sepultur, of ful huge quantite,
In takynnyng of the mannys instrumentis,
Ane ayr and eik a trumpet tharon prentis,
Vndir the mont, vmquhile Aeryus
Was clepit, quhilk now is hait Mysenus,
Eftir his name callit perpetualy,
That evir sal his memor testify.