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A nursery of novelties in Variety of Poetry

Planted for the delightful leisures of Nobility and Ingenuity. Composed by Tho. Jordan

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12. Epigram.

[There was a time a difference began]

There was a time a difference began
Betwixt a Welchman and an English man,
Each praising of his Countrey, did express
How much they did abound in fruitfulness;
The Englishman did tell the Welchman, that
There was a piece of ground he had been at,
In Yorkshire, which so fruitful was of grass,
That when a staff was thrown into't, it was
In one nights time so overgrown, they could
Not see't next day: The Welchman cryes out, hold,
That was not worth the praising, In our Land,
Quoth Taffie, I would have you understand,
We have such grass, that turn your horse i'th' ground,
And before morning come, he sha'nt be found.