University of Virginia Library

Gaili were þei greiþed wel at te best,
with here menskful meyne sche meued on gate,
& hiȝed on here iurnes fast as þei miȝt,
til þei come to palerne to proue þe soþe.
william & hise wiȝes were warned of here come;
with a real route he rod hire a-ȝens,
& worþili hire he wolcomed wen he hire mette,
& hire clene companye curtesli & faire;
& presteli to þe paleys with gret pres hem ladde.
þe curtes quen of þat lond com hem a-ȝens,


þe king of spayne with his sone & oþer kniȝtes gode,
þat were put in prison presteli þurth here dedes.
boþe murrþe & mournyng at þat metyng was;
whan þe quen of spayne saw hire lord in hold,
& hire semli sone & seþe alle þe oþer
of grete lordes of hire lond it liked hire ille.
þe comly quen of þat lond williams owne moder,
with welþe & gret worchip welkomed hem alle,
& william curtesli cauȝt þe quen of hire palfray,
& his menskful moder ful mekli hire kessed,
& hire lord & hire sone swetly þer-after.
hire lord þe king of hire kome was comforted michel,
& hire sone als & seþen alle oþer
of þe lordes of þat lond þat þere leie in hold,
for þei hopeden in hast to haue help þer-after.
william & his menskful moder mekli & faire
ful loueli þe quen of spayne led hem bi-twene,
& hendeli in-to halle þanne hire þei brouȝt,
& derli on þe heiȝe des þei a-doun seten.
þe king of spayne & his wif seten to-gader,
& here sone hem bi-side samen to talke,
to make hem in þe mene while as murye as þei couþe.
þe quen of palerne & hire douȝter þat damysele hende,
& þe menskful meliors were macched to-gadere,
to haue same here solas & seie what hem liked.
seþen al þat huge halle was hastili fulfulled
al a-boute bi eche side with barounes & kniȝtes,
þe real rinkes of þe reaume riȝt on þat o side.
soþli þe segges of spayne were set on þat oþer,
so þat perles paleis with peple was fulfulled.
þann were spacli spices spended al a-boute,
fulsumli at þe ful to eche freke þer-inne,
& þe wines þer-with wich hem best liked.