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The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania

Written by the right honorable the Lady Mary Wroath

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Sweet shades, why doe you seeke to giue delight
To me, who deeme delight in this vilde place:
But torment, sorrow, and mine owne disgrace,
To taste of ioy, or your vaine pleasing sight?
Shew them your pleasures who saw neuer night
Of griefe, where ioyings fawning smiling face
Appeares as day, where griefe found neuer space:
Yet for a sigh, a groane, or enuies spite.
But O: on me a world of woes doe lye,
Or els on me all harmes striue to relye,
And to attend like seruants bound to me.
Heate in desire, while frosts of care I proue,
Wanting my loue, yet surfet doe with loue,
Burne and yet freeze, better in Hell to be.