University of Virginia Library



Life grows better every day,
If we live in deed and truth;
So I am not used to grieve
For the vanished joys of youth.
For though early hopes may die,
Early dreams be rudely crossed;
Of the past we still can keep
Treasures more than we have lost.
For if we but try to gain
Life's best good, and hold it fast,
We grow very rich in love
Ere our mortal days are past.
Rich in golden stores of thought,
Hopes that give us wealth untold;
Rich in all sweet memories,
That grow dearer, growing old.
For when we have lived and loved,
Tasted suffering and bliss,
All the common things of life
Have been sanctified by this.
What my eyes behold to-day
Of this good world is not all,
Earth and sky are crowded full
Of the beauties they recall.
When I watch the sunset now,
As its glories change and glow,
I can see the light of suns
That were faded long ago.
When I look up to the stars,
I find burning overhead
All the stars that ever shone
In the nights that now are dead.
And a loving, tender word,
Dropping from the lips of truth,
Brings each dear remembered tone
Echoing backward from my youth.
When I meet a human face,
Lit for me with light divine,
I recall all loving eyes
That have ever answered mine.
Therefore, they who were my friends
Never can be changed or old;
For the beauty of their youth
Fond remembrance well can hold.
And even they whose feet here crossed
O'er the noiseless, calm abyss,
To the better shore which seemed
Once so far away from this;
Are to me as dwelling now
Just across a pleasant stream,
Over which they come and go,
As we journey in a dream.