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Oh! the rose is a sweet one thou givest me to-night,
But it dies in a day;
And that star which would hallow our loves with its light,
With the dawn wastes away;
Ah! dearest, the token must be
Much surer, which tells of thy passion for me.
Methinks the sweet bird which is carolling now,
Will too soon spread his wings;
And I always have found that a musical vo
Is the fleetest of things!
Ah! dearest, the token to bind,
Is surely a something of different kind.
Vows sworn by fond lips on fond lips, are, methinks,
Much more rational ties;
And whether one fudge or fidelity drinks,
Matters not to the wise;
But 'tis certain, my dear, when the guaranty's such,
One never can have an assurance too much.