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1. Authority of President, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Vice President for Finance and Assistant Vice President for Finance to Execute Certain Documents and Contracts

The President, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (who is an Officer of the Board) and Vice President for Finance of the University are hereby authorized, jointly and separately, subject to the limitations in Paragraph 3 hereof, to execute in the name of and on behalf of the University any or all documents in whatever form and for whatever purpose, including, but not limited to, the following:

Deeds, leases, contracts, certificates, receipts including gift receipts, deeds of trust, promissory notes, bonds, checks, tax returns and reports, claims for refund, releases, waivers, bills of sale, stock certificates, proxies, security agreements, financing statements, affidavits, pleadings and responses to interrogatories.

Such employees are authorized to execute any or all of such documents which they, jointly or separately, determine in their sole discretion should be executed in the best interest of the University, and such discretion may be exercised without any necessity of prior approval, or ratification, by the Board of Visitors or any Committee thereof, except that such employees may only execute the documents specified in Paragraph 3 with the prior approval of the Board of Visitors, or the Executive Committee thereof, and shall execute such documents as directed by such Board or Committee.