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University Information Technology Security Program Policy

Contact Office: Office of Information Technologies

Oversight Executive: Vice President & CIO

Applies to: University Academic Division, Medical Center, and College at Wise

Reason for Policy: The University has a highly complex and resource rich information technology environment upon which there is increasing reliance to provide mission-critical academic, instructional and administrative functions. Safeguarding the institution’s computing assets in the face of growing security threats is a significant challenge requiring a strong, persistent, and coordinated program that leverages widely accepted, effective security practices appropriate for the higher education environment. This policy states the codes of practice with which the University aligns its information technology security program.

Definitions: N/A

Policy Statement: The University’s information technology security program is based upon best practices recommended in the “Code of Practice for Information Security Management” published by the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC 17799), appropriately tailored to the specific circumstances of the University. The program also incorporates security requirements of applicable regulations, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Professional organizations, such as the national EDUCAUSE Association and the Virginia Alliance for Secure Computing and Networking, serve as resources for additional effective security practices.

The ISO/IEC 17799 Code of Practice and other sources noted above are used to guide development and ongoing enhancement of additional information technology security policies as needed. All policies governing information technology security can be found in the University’s policy directory and at:

  • The Academic Division’s IT policy website
    See, for example:
    • - Ethics in Computer Usage Policy
    • - Responsibilities for Computing Devices Connected to the Network Policy
    • - IT Risk Management Policy
    • - Electronic Data Removal Policy
    • - Administrative Data Access Policy
  • The Medical Center’s IT policy website

  • The College at Wise’s IT policy website <link to be added>

Procedures: N/A


Related Information: “Code of Practice for Information Security Management” (ISO/IEC 17799) – This international standard defines guidelines and general principles for the effective management of information security within an organization. It is a risk-based framework widely used to guide establishment of security standards and management practices.

EDUCAUSE Association – EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association dedicated to the advancement of higher education through the effective use of information technology. Members include representatives from institutions of higher education, higher education technology companies, and other related organizations.

International Organization for Standards (ISO) – The world’s largest developer of standards, the organization is made up of representatives from governmental and private sector standard bodies, e.g. the American National Standards Institute.

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) – The IEC is a global organization that develops and published standards addressing electrical, electronic and related technologies. Membership comes from government, the private sector, consumer groups, professional associations, and others.

Virginia Alliance for Secure Computing and Networking (VA SCAN) – VA SCAN was formed to help strengthen information technology security programs within Virginia. The Alliance was organized and is operated by security practitioners and researchers from several Virginia higher education institutions, including the University of Virginia.

Background: The Commonwealth of Virginia Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act of 2005 grants institutions additional authority over financial and administrative operations, on condition that certain commitments to the Commonwealth are met. The University of Virginia’s Management Agreement with the Commonwealth provides full delegated responsibility for management of the institution’s information technology security activities. This delegation includes the authority to conduct these activities in accordance with industry best practices appropriately tailored for the specific circumstances of the University, in lieu of following Commonwealth-determined specifications. This policy documents the industry best practices with which the University will align its security activities.