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A. NEW VOTING MEMBERS - Any governmental unit that operates a criminal justice agency in the Commonwealth of Virginia and which is not an initial member of the Academy may join the Academy by ratifying or adopting this Charter and upon a majority vote of the Board. A written application for admission must be delivered by mail to the business office of the Academy.

As a condition of membership, the Board shall require the joining governmental unit to make a capital contribution toward the investment of prior member governmental units. The Board shall establish the required capital contribution by determining the proportionate share of investment and contribution made by each existing and former member government.

B. NON-VOTING MEMBERS - Any non-governmental entity that operates a special police force in the Commonwealth of Virginia may join the Academy as a non-voting member by ratifying or adopting this Charter and upon an affirmative vote of the Board. A written application for admission must be delivered by mail to the business office of the Academy.


C. WITHDRAWAL OF MEMBER - For a period of five (5) years from the effective date of this Charter, no withdrawal of a member shall be permitted, except by order of a court of competent jurisdiction or as may be otherwise specifically required by Virginia law. Thereafter, any member may withdraw from the Academy at the end of the fiscal year after having notified the business office of the Academy in writing of its intent to do so not less than six (6) months prior., to the beginning of the next succeeding fiscal year ("notice withdrawal date").

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, in the event the Academy shall have any current outstanding bonded indebtedness, the Board, upon receipt of a notice of withdrawal, may convene at any regular or special meeting and vote to require the withdrawing member to continue its membership for an additional period not to exceed twenty-four (24) months subsequent to the Notice Withdrawal Date. it is the intention of this provision to provide that the Academy be afforded, if necessary, an additional period of time to prepare for the orderly withdrawal of a member under this charter. In lieu of a continued membership for an additional period pursuant to Board action as aforesaid, a withdrawing member shall have the option in its sole discretion to elect to pay to the Academy a penalty payment for such withdrawal. The amount of any such penalty payment shall be determined and assessed by the Board acting upon an affirmative vote at any regular or special meeting, and in determining the amount of same the Board shall take into consideration the pro rata portion of cur- rent outstanding indebtedness that is allocatable to the withdrawing member.

Under no circumstances shall a withdrawing member be entitled at any. time to restitution, rebate, or other repayment of any capital contribution to the Academy or any other investment hereunder.